Sunday, February 19, 2012

We Are The Guardians

We are each the GUARDIANS of the light, what light is that? LOVE's light.

We are each the GUARDIAN of our inner light...LOVE
Let's move our focus away from the issues, debates, and fights let's see beyond to the solutions. We need to be the solution and what is the solution LOVE and TRUST which beats within all of us.

The issues at hand, debates, and fights when focused on becomes a distraction and in that the cycles of negative continue on and grow and spread. Just what they want.

We must TRUST in ourselves and the truth of LOVE which resides in our hearts. Though many will find that this TRUST and LOVE is buried deep within covered by years of hurt, anger, fear, abuses etc. you can reach that gold mine inside which is yours for the taking. HEALING

This is a way for LOVE to overcome the darkness.

Time to change history make a stand in your light of LOVE

Please read "Love Flows In...Love Flows Out"

Sending LOVE from my heart

TOGETHER WE can turn darkness to LIGHT

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