Saturday, February 18, 2012

I Have a Dream...A Vision

I have a dream, a vision
seen and felt deep inside of me
a dream of women, children, and men
living and sharing their lives with love
It's a life where we live loving
our uniqueness and respecting
each others differences
It's a love that is kind to the ears
and gentle to the touch
a love which heals emotional wounds
physical ailments, and brings us
out of spiritual deprivation
raising ourselves and humanity up
to levels most have never seen or dreamed
It's a love we also share
with Mother Earth for without her
we would be homeless
It's a life where the mind, heart, and soul
come to live together, think together
feel together, and create together
in love and unity
a life of colorless love which originates
from the soul where we are the same
this calls to see beyond the skin
It's a magical love with the power
to do many things since it knows no boundaries
a self-perpetuating vine growing from the soul
winding it's way through your heart
streaming into your veins
planting seeds of love where you touch and go
an unstoppable force of cosmic love
we are all made of just feel the energy
I have a dream, a vision
seen and felt deep inside of me
this is a love we can turn into reality
for you, children, and all humanity
we can, we must come together
stand together for all, for LOVE



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