Saturday, February 18, 2012

Making a Choice...I Choose LOVE

In a world where judgment, fear, and hate are the most common thoughts and feelings ruling the day. Do you ever question deep inside what you feel around you, and what you see with your eyes? Do you ever think there has got to be another world, another way? On this journey we call life I'm wondering why judgment and hate are shouted till the energy fills the streets, businesses, our homes and the very air we breath. This consumes our bodies, minds, and hearts spilling over into our lives as fear tainting all we see and do. This need not be, there is another choice and I hear it loud and clear screaming inside of me, it's a vibration so loud it's hard to hear anything else. It is a feeling and we have a word for it "love" yet this is a feeling which is silenced, repressed, and oppressed. How can this be! Really it makes no sense to me or to my heart that love lives a life of a timid little mouse when it should be that of the mighty lion.
There is a message I've heard "Heaven is on a collision course with Earth". It's about a message of making choices, making changes all about love. Why is it we have come to believe that love can not be for all women, children, and men? This is an illusion which blinds, and binds our minds, and hearts keeping us from the truth of love. Love is a feeling, love is an energy which is always in motion knowing no bounds, it is us who are blinded. Love is tangible we can reach out and touch this energy, we can see this energy because it flows through each and every one of us, all the animals, and our home Mother Earth.
An army of love this I have seen, a vision inside of me. A mighty army of a peaceful kind changing and healing hearts one or many at a time, this is part of love's design. There is a choice for each and everyone no matter what you look like, a simple choice love or hate. We can make a stand lifting our voices letting love speak, lifting our hearts all on a grand scale. Let love be the prevailing word, reach out a hand, give a hug it does not matter if you know me or not I'll accept your love kindly giving a hug back. It has come the time to open our hearts to loving ones self and others. As we come together freedom will dance in our hearts, and reign over the lands.



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